Work and Study Programs in Europe

Work and Study Programs in Europe


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Metro Opera. Plaza de Isabel
Image by pasotraspaso. (CC BY 2.0)

Take Advantage of Seeing Europe while you are Still Young

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to experience Europe for an extended time period? Then, you may want to consider studying, volunteering, or working on the European continent.


Some colleges encourage studying abroad and international cards are available for students that permits them to see tourist attractions at a discount.


Discounts for Airfare for Students

Teachers, who work abroad, can obtain these kinds of discount cards as well. In addition to international discount cards, high school and college students can obtain reductions in airfare too. Check out what discounts apply through such organizations as STA Travel.


Some Links to Working Overseas

Jobs can be obtained in Europe without a Visa if you work in a country that is part of the European Union. Students can find work in the UK as well by going through the British Universities North America Club or BUNAC. Child care providers can also obtain work overseas through Au


Join the Peace Corps – Become a Volunteer

Volunteering in Europe is yet another way to see the continent and make a difference in the world. Some of the organizations you may want to consider are the Peace Corps or United Planet. The program offered by United Planet makes it possible for older and younger travelers alike to volunteer for short stints of 2 to 12 weeks in Italy or Romania, or for longer durations, such as six months or a year. Six month and one-year volunteer opportunities are available in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Moldova, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, and Finland.


You Can Experience Europe Inexpensively – Look Online for Opportunities

So, if you have always dreamed of seeing Europe and experiencing the culture of another country, working, studying, or volunteering abroad are options you may want to consider. Look online today and check out the offerings.